Member Spotlight: CCR&Rs and Credentialing Options
Providing early childhood education is a demanding job. Providers must be skilled in child development, curriculum planning, family dynamics, and business management. Many providers in our region choose to go beyond the basics to earn additional credentials. Their dedication is laudable - the challenges to achieving additional credentials are significant. Providers often work from 6:00am – 6:00pm, so time is limited. In addition, the time invested doesn't necessarily translate into additional earnings, since tuition cannot be raised without pricing it beyond parents' means.
Child Care Coordinating Council of the North Country, Inc. and Adirondack Community Action Programs, the two child care resource and referral agencies in our region, are here to support early childhood educators achieve their objectives. The organizations offer classes required by New York State, such as medication administration, child and adult nutrition, and CPR-First Aid, and classes on topics suggested by providers. CCCCNC provides classes in Saranac Lake, Malone, Plattsburgh, and Tupper Lake. ACAP offers the programs at their home base in Elizabethtown.
There are several options for ambitious providers who are willing to invest the time, money, and hard work involved in receiving additional credentials.
CCCCNC can help providers go above and beyond to receive their Child Development Associates Credential. This credential is offered by the Council of Professional Recognition. The organization is based in Washington, DC and the credential is recognized nation-wide.
QUALITYstarsNY is a voluntary system for all types of early childhood programs that serve children from birth through age five. Using research-based, culturally responsive standards developed by New York's leading education experts, QUALITYstarsNY evaluates program quality based on learning environment, family engagement, staff qualifications and experience, and management and leadership. Each program receives a rating from one to five stars and the resources needed to improve its quality. Our child care resource and referral agencies offer classes toward this end.
The National Association for Family Child Care offers a credential that requires candidates to undergo a detailed self-study and rigorous site visits from the agency. The accreditation process examines all aspects of the program including relationships, the environment, developmental learning activities, safety, health, and professional and business practices.
SUNY Plattsburgh offers the only SUNY four-year degree program in child care management. Course offerings include child development, infant/toddler program planning, preschool curriculum development, child-care administration, and parenting perspectives.
Birth to Three applauds the skill and dedication of early childhood educators. Providers can receive financial support for earning credentials and improving their programs through the Adirondack Foundation's Small Grants for Small Children.